Monday, October 18, 2010

Jeff Brawner: Baptizing in the Mississippi

Island Community Church has a membership of less than 100, but is a church with the potential to impact the world through its congregation of primarily medical students, graduate students, and young professionals from all over the globe. Dr. Jeff Brawner, the newest facility member at MABTS, pastors this body of believers that is not only unique because its members, but also in the fact that the baptismal waters are the Mississippi river. Click here to listen to more about this fascinating church and Dr. Brawner's desire to bring people to Christ.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bryan Loritts and Ricky Jenkins: Moving past the racial barrier.

“We must face the sad fact that at 11 o’clock on Sunday morning, when we stand to sing… we stand in the most segregated hour in America.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The idea of a multicultural church appeals to me on so many levels, but I have found very few churches that can truly say they are multicultural. One local body in Memphis holds this distinction: Fellowship Memphis. This summer Bryan Loritts, lead pastor and son of Crawford Loritts, and Ricky Jenkins, pastor of Fellowship Downtown and MABTS Student, sat down with me to discuss how they lead a fellowship of believers from different races and with roots in various Christian traditions.

The interview with Ricky and Bryan can be found here on Itunes.